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Shop our Stores!

Find cool and unique products right from here. We have so many different shops and groups that we work with so we hope you can find what you are looking for!

Amazon Smiles

Great News! You can do your normal shopping on Amazon and support us by making the purchases you already make! Just visit Amazon Smiles, and search for us at “The Dane Farm Sanctuary” and select us as your charity to donate to. We also have an Amazon wish list if you would like to purchase something directly for the Great Dane Sanctuary. Every donation makes a big difference and we appreciate all of your support!

Great Dane Coffee Company

The Great Dane Coffee Company started their journey for two reasons. Drink Coffee. Save Dogs. They donate 20% of all of their coffee and branded apparel to rescue partners that are so lucky to be partnered with them (we’re one of them!)

After further discussion with their founder, George, we decided that it would be great to use his platform to also house our own Store and Products– but with the proceeds benefitting us first! We get 80% of these sales (the other 20% goes back to him because of fees and things but it’s sooo worth it!)

Check out our store here, and navigate through their site to get some coffee- you won’t regret it!


Bonfire is something we’ve been running for awhile. It’s a great option for us to change up our designs, set the price for how to make the most from our campaigns and run large campaigns at once. This is just apparel and is pretty limited what we can sell.

Often times the campaigns run for 2-3 weeks so orders take longer to ship.

When it comes to Bonfire, we don’t get a percentage, we pick the dollar amount we want from each order. Since we set the prices, we really get the most for our money.

Check out our Bonfire store here, just be patient waiting for your new items to arrive!