The Great Dane Rescue of Minnesota & Wisconsin is an all-volunteer rescue devoted to rehoming Great Danes in MN & WI, with an on-site sanctuary for unadoptable Danes to live out their lives .
OUR RESCUE MISSION is the care and re-homing of purebred Great Danes. When Great Danes are surrendered into our program, we find them experienced foster homes who work diligently on overcoming the stress and anxieties that come with being surrendered.
Total Great Danes Saved
Adoption Fees 2024
Vet Bills 2024
Total Danes Saved 2024

The Great Dane Sanctuary
The Great Dane Sanctuary is a place for unadoptable pure bred Great Danes to live out their lives in a safe, secure, happy, healthy and loving environment being cared for until their very last day.
The Danes that come up to the Sanctuary are un-adoptable due to temperament, illness, and/or old age. Some of the dogs have been court ordered to be euthanized or come to our farm, others would have been euthanized by their owners because they had no other choice.
It is the only sanctuary of its kind in the U.S. and accepts dogs from all over the country.
See What’s On the Blog!

Board of Directors Roles & Responsibilities
Qualifications for the Board of Directors Board of Directors President – OPEN Vice President – OPEN Treasurer: Karla, karla@savingdanes.org Secretary – OPEN Sanctuary Director: Meg, meg@savingdanes.org Marketing & Communications Director – OPEN This position is responsible for coordinating resources to accomplish our fundraising and organization communication goals.

Advocating for Your Dog at the Vet’s Office
Advocates support a cause or a person that is not getting the representation or being heard as they should be. And aren’t our precious canine companions a ‘person’ to us? Advocating for your dog means many things. Making sure they have the space they need, doing your research to find the best food, toys, care. …

Carson’s Story
Oh Carson, buddy, I don’t even know where to start. Carson came to us in October 2018, without a bite history and in hopes of being adopted. In fact, he went into a foster home before making it to the Sanctuary and into our rescue program. We knew he has some fear aggression issues with …